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Use policies to manage the lifecycle of your datasets

Effective data management is crucial for sustainability goals. By implementing lifecycle management policies, organizations can automate data deletion and reduce unnecessary storage use, minimizing their environmental footprint.

Best Practices

  • Implement Data Retention Policies: Establish clear data retention policies to determine how long different types of data should be stored. Use automated lifecycle policies to enforce these practices, ensuring that data is migrated to lower-cost storage or deleted when it no longer serves a business purpose.

Supporting Questions

  • Do you have a clear data classification system to help determine storage needs?
  • Are there automated processes in place for data deletion and migration?

Roles and Responsibilities

  • Data Governance Team: Responsible for defining and enforcing data management policies, including retention and deletion guidelines.
  • Cloud Solutions Architect: Designs and implements infrastructure that supports automated data lifecycle management in accordance with established policies.


  • Data Lifecycle Policy Document: A formal document that outlines the criteria and practices for data retention, migration, and deletion to align with sustainability goals.
  • Data Classification Matrix: A resource outlining various data types, their business value, and corresponding storage lifecycle management strategies.

Cloud Services


  • Amazon S3: Allows for lifecycle policies to automatically transition objects to lower-cost storage classes or delete them after a specified period, optimizing storage and supporting sustainability initiatives.
  • AWS Glue: Facilitates data cataloging and ETL processes, allowing for better management and organization of datasets, aiding in efficient data lifecycle and sustainability practices.

Question: How do you take advantage of data management policies and patterns to support your sustainability goals?
Pillar: Sustainability (Code: SUS)

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