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Deploy changes with automation

Controlled changes are essential for deploying new functionalities and ensuring that workloads run known software versions. Implementing automated deployments and patching enables organizations to reduce negative impacts, ensuring predictable and stable updates to their environments, ultimately enhancing reliability.

Best Practices

  • Use Infrastructure as Code (IaC): Implementing IaC allows teams to manage infrastructure changes through code, promoting consistency and reducing human error. Tools like AWS CloudFormation can automate resource creation and updates, thus ensuring controlled changes across environments.
  • Automated Testing and Rollbacks: Integrate automated testing in your deployment pipeline to validate changes before they go live. In case of errors, implement automated rollbacks to quickly revert to a stable version, minimizing downtime and ensuring system reliability.
  • Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD): Adopt CI/CD pipelines to streamline code changes from development to production. Automating the deployment process through tools like AWS CodePipeline can enhance reliability by ensuring faster, more predictable releases.

Supporting Questions

  • Are your deployment processes automated and documented?
  • Do you have rollback mechanisms in place for failed changes?
  • Is there a comprehensive test suite that runs with every deployment?

Roles and Responsibilities

  • DevOps Engineer: Responsible for implementing and managing automation tools and processes for deployment, ensuring that changes are made in a controlled and efficient manner.
  • Release Manager: Oversees the release processes, ensuring that automated deployments align with business objectives and are conducted smoothly.


  • Deployment Automation Scripts: Scripts that automate the deployment process for applications, ensuring consistency and reducing risks associated with manual changes.
  • Change Management Documentation: Comprehensive records of all changes made to applications and infrastructure, including the reasons for the changes and the impact analysis.

Cloud Services


  • AWS CodePipeline: A continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) service for fast and reliable application and infrastructure updates.
  • AWS CloudFormation: A service that helps you define and provision AWS infrastructure using code, enabling you to manage and update your infrastructure in a predictable manner.
  • AWS CodeDeploy: An automated deployment service that makes it easier to deploy applications to various compute services including EC2 and Lambda.

Question: How do you implement change?
Pillar: Reliability (Code: REL)

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