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Activity Diagram Example for User Registration and Email Verification

Process Overview

The process describes how a new user registers for an account and verifies their email address to activate the account. The flow includes user input, system validation, email notification, and account activation.

Activities and Flow

  1. Start
    • The process begins when a new user navigates to the “Register” page.
  2. Fill Registration Form
    • Input: User enters first name, last name, email, and password.
    • Decision Point: Check if all required fields are filled and the data format is valid.
      • Yes: Proceed to “Submit Registration Form.”
      • No: Display error messages and return to “Fill Registration Form.”
  3. Submit Registration Form
    • Action: User clicks the “Register” button.
    • System Process: Validate the input data against security and format rules (e.g., email format, password strength).
  4. Decision Point: Data Validation
    • Condition: Is the input data valid?
      • Yes: Proceed to “Create User Account.”
      • No: Display error messages and return to “Fill Registration Form.”
  5. Create User Account
    • Action: System creates a user account in the database.
    • System Process: Store user data securely, hash and salt the password, and set the account status to “Pending Verification.”
  6. Send Verification Email
    • Action: System generates a verification email with a unique activation link and sends it to the user’s email address.
    • System Process: Wait for the user to click the activation link.
  7. Decision Point: User Clicks Verification Link
    • Condition: Has the user clicked the email verification link?
      • Yes: Proceed to “Activate Account.”
      • No: System sends a reminder email if the user has not verified within 24 hours.
  8. Activate Account
    • Action: System verifies the activation link and sets the account status to “Active.”
    • Output: Display a success message, “Your account has been successfully activated!”
  9. End
    • The process ends with the user being able to log in to their activated account.

Diagram Layout Description

  1. Start Node: Represented by a solid circle at the top of the diagram.
  2. Activity Nodes: Represented by rounded rectangles for each activity (e.g., “Fill Registration Form,” “Submit Registration Form”).
  3. Decision Nodes: Represented by diamonds for conditional logic (e.g., “Is the data valid?”).
  4. Arrows: Indicate the flow of the process, connecting activities and decision points.
  5. End Node: Represented by a solid circle with a border at the bottom of the diagram, indicating the end of the process.

Example Flow

  1. User Action: The user fills in their details and submits the form.
  2. System Validation: The system checks the details and either creates the account or returns an error.
  3. Email Verification: The user receives and clicks the verification link, activating their account.
  4. Account Activation: The account is activated, and the user is ready to log in.
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