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Code Review Checklist Example
1. General
- Does the code adhere to the team’s established coding standards and guidelines?
- Is the code easy to understand, with appropriate comments where necessary?
- Is there any redundant or duplicate code that could be refactored or removed?
- Are all variables, methods, and classes named clearly and meaningfully?
- Are there any magic numbers or hardcoded values that should be replaced with constants or configuration settings?
2. Functionality
- Does the code achieve the desired functionality and meet the requirements?
- Are there any potential bugs or issues that could arise from edge cases or unexpected inputs?
- Has the code been tested for different scenarios, including error conditions?
3. Performance and Efficiency
- Is the code optimized for performance and does it avoid unnecessary computations or memory usage?
- Are there more efficient algorithms or data structures that could be used?
- Does the code handle large inputs or high loads gracefully?
4. Security
- Are there any security vulnerabilities, such as injection attacks or data leaks?
- Does the code handle sensitive data appropriately (e.g., encryption, secure storage)?
- Are permissions and access controls properly enforced where applicable?
5. Error Handling and Logging
- Does the code include proper error handling and gracefully handle unexpected situations?
- Are meaningful error messages provided for debugging and troubleshooting?
- Is logging implemented correctly and does it avoid exposing sensitive information?
6. Testing
- Are there sufficient unit and integration tests to cover the new code?
- Do all existing and new tests pass successfully?
- Is the code structured in a way that makes it easy to write and maintain tests?
- Has test coverage been measured and is it acceptable based on project guidelines?
7. Dependencies
- Are any new dependencies introduced, and are they necessary and appropriate for the task?
- Have you verified the compatibility and stability of any external libraries or APIs used?
8. Documentation
- Is there adequate documentation explaining the purpose and functionality of the code?
- Have you updated any relevant documentation, such as README files, API docs, or configuration guides?
- Are there inline comments for complex logic or non-obvious implementations?
9. Code Style
- Is the code formatted correctly, following the team’s style guide (e.g., spacing, indentation)?
- Are there any linter warnings or errors that need to be addressed?
10. Review Process
- Has the code been peer-reviewed, and have all suggestions or issues been resolved?
- Has the developer made the necessary changes based on the code review feedback?
- Are there any unresolved issues or questions that need to be discussed further?
Supporting Practices
- Utilize automated tools such as AWS CodeGuru Reviewer and linters to catch issues early.
- Integrate code review tools with CI/CD systems to enforce quality checks automatically.
- Schedule regular pair programming or peer review sessions to improve code quality collaboratively.
This checklist ensures that the code adheres to best practices, is robust, and integrates smoothly into the existing system, reducing the likelihood of defects and maintenance challenges.