Operational Readiness Review (ORR) Report Example
Project/Service Name: [Insert Project/Service Name]
Date of Review: [Insert Date]
Reviewed By: [Insert Names and Roles of Reviewers]
Environment: [Development/Staging/Production]
1. Overview
Purpose of ORR:
The purpose of this ORR is to assess the readiness of the [Project/Service Name] for production deployment. The review validates the preparedness of processes, people, and systems to ensure safe and stable operations, reduce risk, and identify areas for improvement.
2. Summary of Findings
Overall Readiness Status: [Ready / Ready with Conditions / Not Ready]
High-Risk Items Identified: [List high-risk issues, if any]
Outstanding Issues: [Number of issues requiring follow-up or remediation]
Recommendations for Improvement: [Summary of key recommendations]
3. Checklist Evaluation
Monitoring and Alerting:
- Status: [Pass / Fail / Needs Improvement]
- Findings: [Describe the configuration of monitoring tools, metrics, and alerts]
- Action Items: [List any corrective actions needed]
Incident Management:
- Status: [Pass / Fail / Needs Improvement]
- Findings: [Describe incident management plans and response readiness]
- Action Items: [List any corrective actions needed]
Backup and Recovery:
- Status: [Pass / Fail / Needs Improvement]
- Findings: [Detail the backup and recovery testing results]
- Action Items: [List any corrective actions needed]
Security and Compliance:
- Status: [Pass / Fail / Needs Improvement]
- Findings: [Summarize the results of security checks and compliance assessments]
- Action Items: [List any corrective actions needed]
Configuration Management:
- Status: [Pass / Fail / Needs Improvement]
- Findings: [Review of configuration scripts and management tools]
- Action Items: [List any corrective actions needed]
Performance and Scalability:
- Status: [Pass / Fail / Needs Improvement]
- Findings: [Report on performance testing and scalability assessments]
- Action Items: [List any corrective actions needed]
Documentation and Training:
- Status: [Pass / Fail / Needs Improvement]
- Findings: [Evaluate the completeness of operational documentation and training]
- Action Items: [List any corrective actions needed]
Dependencies and Third-Party Services:
- Status: [Pass / Fail / Needs Improvement]
- Findings: [Review dependency health and failover readiness]
- Action Items: [List any corrective actions needed]
4. Risk Assessment
Identified Risks:
- [Description of risk #1] – [Impact and likelihood]
- [Description of risk #2] – [Impact and likelihood]
- [Description of risk #3] – [Impact and likelihood]
Mitigation Strategies:
- [Description of mitigation strategy for risk #1]
- [Description of mitigation strategy for risk #2]
- [Description of mitigation strategy for risk #3]
5. Action Items and Remediation Plan
Immediate Action Items:
- [Description of action item #1] – [Assigned to] – [Due date]
- [Description of action item #2] – [Assigned to] – [Due date]
Long-Term Improvement Items:
- [Description of improvement item #1] – [Assigned to] – [Timeline]
- [Description of improvement item #2] – [Assigned to] – [Timeline]
6. Sign-Off and Certification
Reviewers’ Signatures:
- Operations Manager: _______________________ Date: __________
- DevOps Engineer: _________________________ Date: __________
- Service Owner: ____________________________ Date: __________
Certification Status: [Certified / Certified with Conditions / Not Certified]
Comments: [Additional notes or comments about the review]
Next Steps:
- [Outline the next steps for deployment or further reviews]
- [Any specific follow-up meetings or actions]
This report serves as a formal record of the Operational Readiness Review and provides a clear outline of the workload’s readiness status and any necessary actions to ensure operational stability.