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Choose Regions based on cost

Identifying regional cost differences is essential in optimizing expenses in AWS deployments. By strategically selecting lower-cost regions, organizations can leverage pricing variances, ensuring they operate at the most economical level while still meeting performance and compliance requirements.

Best Practices

  • Evaluate Regional Pricing: Conduct regular assessments of AWS regional pricing tiers. This ensures you’re aware of cost variations across geographic locations and can make informed decisions on where to deploy resources most economically.

Supporting Questions

  • Have you compared pricing models across different AWS regions for your workloads?
  • Are there specific regions consistently offering lower costs for the services you frequently use?

Roles and Responsibilities

  • Cloud Architect: Responsible for analyzing the cost implications of different AWS regions and making recommendations for deployments based on budget constraints.
  • Finance Manager: Monitors overall cloud spending and collaborates with technical teams to ensure that cost-effective practices are in place.


  • AWS Pricing Calculator: A tool that allows you to estimate the cost of AWS services by configuring resources based on chosen specifications, including region.
  • Cost Explorer: A service that helps visualize your spending patterns and identify opportunities for cost optimization within different AWS regions.

Cloud Services


  • Amazon EC2: Amazon EC2 pricing varies by region. Choosing the right region can lead to substantial cost savings, particularly for workloads that do not require low latency.
  • Amazon S3: S3 pricing can also differ by region. Selecting a lower-cost region for storing data can drastically reduce overall storage costs.

Question: How do you use pricing models to reduce cost?
Pillar: Cost Optimization (Code: COST)

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