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Establish a partnership between finance and technology

Establishing a partnership between finance and technology teams is crucial for effective cloud financial management. This collaboration ensures that both teams are aligned on cost management strategies, facilitating better decision-making to optimize costs and maximize the value derived from AWS cloud services.

Best Practices

  • Regular Cross-Functional Meetings: Hold regular meetings between finance and technology teams to discuss cloud cost usage, budget forecasts, and financial strategies. This encourages transparency, builds trust, and enables proactive cost management decisions.

Supporting Questions

  • Are finance and technology teams regularly engaged in discussions about cloud spending?

Roles and Responsibilities

  • Finance Manager: Oversees budget allocations for cloud resources, analyzes spending patterns, and collaborates with technology teams to recommend cost optimization strategies.
  • Cloud Financial Analyst: Monitors and reports on cloud expenditures, forecasting growth and budgeting needs. Works alongside finance and technology teams to ensure accurate financial insights.


  • Cloud Cost Tracking Dashboard: An interactive dashboard that provides real-time visibility into cloud spending, helping both finance and technology teams to track usage against projected budgets.

Cloud Services


  • AWS Cost Explorer: Allows users to view and analyze their spending on AWS services, helping teams identify trends, opportunities for savings, and make data-driven financial decisions.
  • AWS Budgets: Enables organizations to set custom budget alerts for their cloud spending, providing finance and technology teams with tools to monitor and manage costs effectively.

Question: How do you implement cloud financial management?
Pillar: Cost Optimization (Code: COST)

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