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Use instance types with the least impact

Selecting and utilizing cloud hardware efficiently is integral for minimizing environmental impacts. Focusing on instance types with the least carbon footprint ensures that your architecture promotes sustainability while still meeting performance requirements. Continually reviewing and migrating to newer, energy-efficient instances is crucial for reducing overall carbon emissions.

Best Practices

  • Monitor Instance Types Regularly: Regularly track updates on available instance types. AWS frequently releases new instance options focused on energy efficiency. Implement automated monitoring to alert you when a more efficient instance type becomes available.

Supporting Questions

  • Are you routinely reviewing instance types for energy efficiency improvements?
  • Do you have a process in place for deploying newer, more efficient instances?

Roles and Responsibilities

  • Cloud Architect: Responsible for overseeing the architecture design, ensuring that the selection of cloud services includes efficient instance types that align with sustainability goals.


  • Instance Type Comparison Sheet: A document that compares current and proposed instance types based on their energy consumption, performance, and cost. This resource helps in making informed decisions about instance provisioning.

Cloud Services


  • Amazon EC2: Amazon EC2 provides a variety of instance types that can be selected based on the specific needs of your application while allowing you to monitor and assess their energy efficiency continuously.

Question: How do you select and use cloud hardware and services in your architecture to support your sustainability goals?
Pillar: Sustainability (Code: SUS)

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